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What keeps you up at night?

By Shane Goodman

For many of us, a good night’s sleep isn’t as easy to come by as it was when we were younger. On the occasions when I would sleep late in my youth, my father would tell me, “You must have needed it.” He must have been right.

I still need more sleep. We all do. So what helps you get to sleep? And what keeps you awake?

Our Kossuth County

By Jerry Yocum

POW Museum

Algona, you have done it again!

The ‘proactive’ spirit of the Algona area was evident again in the planning and building of the Camp Algona Prisoner of War Historical complex. On Friday, May 13, 2022, a chamber of commerce coffee was held at the city airport, location of Camp Algona during World War II. The 287 acre location was a military facility that housed 10,000 prisoners of war from April of 1944 to February of 1946. 

Climbing 463 step stairway to rooftop view

By Jim Sloter

Of family members who have paws

By Molly MacDonald

Your dog may soon need to be licensed

Out of the Past by Gene Miller

150 Years Ago


What if?  By Rev. Chris Burtnett - Pastor, First Congregational United Church of Christ

Our Kossuth County

Take a trip down history - by Jan Ricke - KCHS

Have you had an opportunity to explore the Historical Museum in Algona? This is a great time to get out of the house for a walk or short drive to see the many exhibits and artifacts on display.

Afterwards, a trip to the Dairy Queen across the street will top off your visit.

Kids and their phones

By Shane Goodman


My now-predictable comment when I see people older than me on their smart phones is to say to them, “Damn kids and their phones.” It usually prompts a chuckle. Usually.

The truth is that older generations are spending more time on their phones than ever before. Web surfing. Checking email. Texting. And using social media, among other activities.

Letter to the Editor

Birth control leads to fewer abortions

Viewing a different cemetery look

Trial Diary by Jim Sloter

On the Side

Leadership breakdown by Brad Hicks, publisher


Outrage, overreaction, irrationality, self-justification, intimidation, personal destruction, contextual dishonesty and violence are the weapons of choice in today’s sociopolitical environment. 

Community club votes for stores to be closed on Memorial Day

Out of the Past by Gene Miller


150 Years Ago

General Items. Cincinnati is going to have a big hotel at the corner of Fourth street and Central Avenue. Building fund $100,000. An Indiana man has caused the arrest of his grandmother, who attacked him in a most cowardly and outrageous manner. The alligator season has opened in Florida, and the absorption of the pensive angler or confiding bather is a matter of daily record. 



153 by  Rev. Thomas Cowell

Pastor, St. John’s 

Lutheran Church, Burt

Partnership Pastor,

Trinity Lutheran Church


Encyclopedia...What’s that?

By Shane Goodman

Encyclopedias have been around for about 2,000 years, but good luck trying to find a printed edition now. How could something that was so common for generations be essentially non-existent now? As newspaper and magazine publishers discovered, selling anything for a fee can be difficult when you give most of it away on the Internet for free.

Summer intern program flourishes

By Maureen Elbert - KPCEDC

Kossuth/Palo County Economic Development Corporation is preparing for their 2022 Summer Intern Program for students that have graduated from high school and are enrolled in college. The purpose of the K/PACEDC intern program is to provide opportunities to learn and receive on the job training for the future, and to attract and keep our high school and college graduates in the area to maintain a skilled workforce for future employment. 

On the Side

Brothers’ keepers by Brad Hicks, publisher

People need a mission, and in most cases the mission needs to be about others rather than themselves.

Opportunity is knocking.

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