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Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I thought you would like to know that are some very thoughtful, generous people here in Algona. Early this week I received gifts from two of them.

One was of Algona Bucks and the other was a payment toward my AMU bill. Both parties wished to remain anonymous. Since I have no way to thank them personally, I hope they read this letter in the newspaper and know how much I appreciate their generosity. God bless them.

Our Kossuth County

Prevent illness by boosting your immune system

By Rauchelle Meschke and Alyse Kern



Winter weather is here and now is the time to take charge of your health. Do you have a cold that just keeps lingering? Or do you seem to pick up every illness that goes around?

The Daily Umbrella

Let’s go lay in the grass


Staring at the sky, laying on my back, flat on the grass. Or the leaves. Or the snow. Or whatever covered the dirt that time of year. This is where I found peace as a child. By myself. With nature.

I thought about heaven, and the angels and God. I thought about what I did right and what I did wrong. I thought about my grandparents and others who died too young. I simply thought. A lot.

Families in Faith

Do not be afraid


Pastor, Burt, Lone Rock Presbyterian churches

I trust that during the past few weeks you had the opportunity to read the Christmas story as found in the books of Matthew and Luke. Did you notice that when an angel appeared to Mary, Joseph, Zechariah, and the Shepherds, they heard the angel declare, “Do not be afraid.” What beautiful words of comfort.

Throwback: Somewhere-Sometime in Algona

Do you recognize this neighborhood? Can you name the businesses that occupied these buildings? Can you name the streets? Do you know what buildings and businesses stand there today in 2024. If you think you can answer any of these questions send your memories to

On the side

Charting Inflation


In hopes of making you feel better after blowing your family budget in the past month in order to put a smile on exotic-vacationing Jeff Bezos’s face, members of the federal bureaucracy, channeling their best Ross Perot, rolled out a series of charts to the press to show that 2023 was a tremendous economic year and that inflation is coming under control since the rate of increase is running at 2 percent on average over the past six months.

Out of the Past

1948 - Kossuth County has 507 births


150 Years Ago

LOCAL MATTERS. C. W. Goddard delivers milk in any part of town - at 5 Cts. a Qt! ~~ Highest Price. -- Hawes payes the highest price for Hides and Furs. ~~ > To Rent. -- A small house with three rooms below and chamber. J. H. Hawkins. ~~ To Rent. -- The Brick Store east of the Bank and wood building adjoining, for particulars enquire of the undersigned. D. H. Hutchins.


125 Years Ago

The Daily Umbrella

A pair of jeans that fit just right


Throwback: Great snowshoeing weather

From the Algona Upper Des Moines Jan. 26, 1990, newspaper. About seven inches of brand new snow, the heaviest snowfall so far this winter, was received in Algona Saturday, allowing for all sorts of winter activities. County Naturalist Amy Schwartz, right background, seized the opportunity to give Carol Oppenheimer’s fourth graders at Bryant Elementary School snowshoe instruction, and the class members are shown putting their best feet forward.

Of a birthday and a wonderful laugh


f the many gifts God gives people, I think a sense of humor is among the best. If we can’t laugh, life would be very dull.

Writers and Writing

Love’s Guest offers inspiration and reflection

Love’s Guest: Reflections of Inspiration & Wonder

Edited by Marc Aronoff

Artwork by Jan Richardson

Red Elixer

ISBN 978-1-9600-90-263



Every once in a while, a little book comes along that punches far above its weight, that offers more than initially meets the eye.

Santa Claus has rough time in Swea City

150 Years Ago

To the Members of the Library Association: You will please return to the Library all books drawn by you on or before Friday the 9th day of Jan. 1874, as I desire to make to the Association a final report of the condition of the Library for the year 1873. All books not reported by the time above given will be reported absent without authority. H. S. Vaughan, Librarian.


125 Years Ago

The Daily Umbrella

I’m dreaming of a green Christmas


“I am dreaming of a green Christmas.” “Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain.”

Nobody in Iowa sings those songs this time of year. And for good reason. Christmas is supposed to have snow. At least that’s what I remember. But does my memory serve me correctly? shared some interesting Christmas weather facts for Des Moines that set the record straight.

Embrace the messy

Rev. Briton Nelson

Associate Pastor, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Burt and Trinity Lutheran Church, Algona

Growing up in Wisconsin, I had the opportunity to pole vault for my high school track team. Pole vault can be, at times, a frustrating experience. There are a lot of components and techniques that need to work together in order to jump as high in the air as possible.

Families in Faith

Rev. Russ Jacobsen

Pastor, First United Methodist Church

Honor our elders in the Christmas season


Luke 1: 6 Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous in God’s eyes, careful to obey all of the Lord’s commandments and regulations. 7 They had no children because Elizabeth was unable to conceive, and they were both very old.


......Continued from Dec. 14, 2023


By Dana Clapsaddle


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