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Families of Faith

Listen more, speak less

By Rev. Tamara EnTin, pastor at Algona and Irvington First Presbyterian Churches

For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation.  God alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall never be shaken. Psalm 62:1-2

Our Kossuth County - We put the GO in Algona

By Vicki Mallory

Algona Chamber


Plan accordingly

We may not have had a white Christmas, but we do have a white Jan. 9. Iowa sparkles beautifully with snowflakes a few months each year. Many of us have learned to enjoy its beauty — and its challenges. 

This is Iowa, and it snows. Fortunately, the snowstorms are typically quite predictable. So, like most things in life, dealing with snow requires planning. Here are six tips for those who are committed to getting to work or getting most anything done while the snow falls.

Families of Faith

Responding to Jesus

Rev. Al Foote

Pastor, Evangelical Free Church, Algona

Throwback: Somewhere-Sometime in Algona

If you guessed the intersection of Jones and State St. for last week’s photo you were correct. Ruhnke’s Sinclair is the only business building remaining that is somewhat recognizable although it has been remodeled over the years. The best guess for the year is early 1950s. The block kitty corner does not yet have the VFW building although the foundation appears to be there. The block directly east where the Iowa State Bank drive-up is now has seven businesses and five residential homes.


Of a handsome grandson and the Holy Ghost

Out of the Past

Advertising is cheap in the Advance

150 Years Ago

Notice is hereby given that open bids for the building of a school house in Sub. Dist. No. 1 Wesley Tp. will be received at the Ward school house on the 2d day Feb. at 12 o’clock. Specifications may be seen at Wm. Ward’s.  House to be finished by May 1st. -- J. P. Gray, Sub-Director.


125 Years Ago

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I thought you would like to know that are some very thoughtful, generous people here in Algona. Early this week I received gifts from two of them.

One was of Algona Bucks and the other was a payment toward my AMU bill. Both parties wished to remain anonymous. Since I have no way to thank them personally, I hope they read this letter in the newspaper and know how much I appreciate their generosity. God bless them.

Our Kossuth County

Prevent illness by boosting your immune system

By Rauchelle Meschke and Alyse Kern



Winter weather is here and now is the time to take charge of your health. Do you have a cold that just keeps lingering? Or do you seem to pick up every illness that goes around?

The Daily Umbrella

Let’s go lay in the grass


Staring at the sky, laying on my back, flat on the grass. Or the leaves. Or the snow. Or whatever covered the dirt that time of year. This is where I found peace as a child. By myself. With nature.

I thought about heaven, and the angels and God. I thought about what I did right and what I did wrong. I thought about my grandparents and others who died too young. I simply thought. A lot.

Families in Faith

Do not be afraid


Pastor, Burt, Lone Rock Presbyterian churches

I trust that during the past few weeks you had the opportunity to read the Christmas story as found in the books of Matthew and Luke. Did you notice that when an angel appeared to Mary, Joseph, Zechariah, and the Shepherds, they heard the angel declare, “Do not be afraid.” What beautiful words of comfort.

Throwback: Somewhere-Sometime in Algona

Do you recognize this neighborhood? Can you name the businesses that occupied these buildings? Can you name the streets? Do you know what buildings and businesses stand there today in 2024. If you think you can answer any of these questions send your memories to

On the side

Charting Inflation


In hopes of making you feel better after blowing your family budget in the past month in order to put a smile on exotic-vacationing Jeff Bezos’s face, members of the federal bureaucracy, channeling their best Ross Perot, rolled out a series of charts to the press to show that 2023 was a tremendous economic year and that inflation is coming under control since the rate of increase is running at 2 percent on average over the past six months.

Out of the Past

1948 - Kossuth County has 507 births


150 Years Ago

LOCAL MATTERS. C. W. Goddard delivers milk in any part of town - at 5 Cts. a Qt! ~~ Highest Price. -- Hawes payes the highest price for Hides and Furs. ~~ > To Rent. -- A small house with three rooms below and chamber. J. H. Hawkins. ~~ To Rent. -- The Brick Store east of the Bank and wood building adjoining, for particulars enquire of the undersigned. D. H. Hutchins.


125 Years Ago

The Daily Umbrella

A pair of jeans that fit just right


Throwback: Great snowshoeing weather

From the Algona Upper Des Moines Jan. 26, 1990, newspaper. About seven inches of brand new snow, the heaviest snowfall so far this winter, was received in Algona Saturday, allowing for all sorts of winter activities. County Naturalist Amy Schwartz, right background, seized the opportunity to give Carol Oppenheimer’s fourth graders at Bryant Elementary School snowshoe instruction, and the class members are shown putting their best feet forward.

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