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Tiny but Fierce Library Love Stories

We want to hear your stories.

This series will feature reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words. Send to

Do you have a favorite moment? A favorite book? A favorite librarian? A piece of information the library had that set important wheels in motion? A favorite nook? A favorite smell? An exhibit? A program? Do you love knitting with friends at the library?

Ink Spots

Of conversations I hope are never recorded

I hope the CIA or FBI or any other spy organization never decides to bug my house. I don’t know why they would, but it worries me just the same. Because if anyone was listening to what goes on here, I’m sure they would send the men in white coats with butterfly nets storming in to capture me and put me in a padded room somewhere with no chocolate.

Here’s a sample of what they would hear:

Treatment plant history

By Jacob Tjaden, City of Algona

As we prepare to break ground on the wastewater treatment facility project this spring, I’ve enjoyed looking back on the history of the original plant.

The public open house for the new “city sewage plant” was featured in the August 18 edition of the 1955 Algona Upper Des Moines newspaper. According to the article, when the plant was built it was one of the most modern and up-to-date installations of its kind.

Families of Faith

Series God Wins: The Great White Throne Judgment

By: Pastor Kent Madison, First Presbyterian Church, Lakota

Throwback: The old "Cooler"

This photo of “The Old Cooler” was the first county jail. Photo is from Ben Reed’s book History of Kossuth County, Volume 1 which covers the history from 1854 until 1912. Volume 2 covers the history from 1912 to 1976.

Out of the Past

Sexton no longer officially a town


150 Years Ago

SOME MORE BASE BALL ---- The Esthervillians have accepted the challenge of our club to play them in a return game, and the fun will come off next Saturday afternoon. Some old heads have been trying to imitate the motions of the regulars, but only succeeded in getting badly knocked to pieces.


125 Years Ago

The Daily Umbrella


I should be hitting the ground by now

Tree-hugger. When you read those hyphenated words, an image likely comes to mind immediately. Probably someone in sandals. Cut-off jean shorts. Greasy hair. Round glasses. Peace symbol imprinted on a tank top. Am I close?

Whether those descriptions fit you or not, you should hug a tree. We all should. If you haven’t, you are missing out.

Our Kossuth County


Camp Algona POW Museum Expansion

By Don Hansen, POW Museum

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

I want to invite everyone to a public forum to discuss protecting private property rights and the CO2 pipelines. The forum will be held on May 19 from 6-8 p.m. at the Kossuth County Ag and Motorsports Museum meeting room.

As Edmund Burke would say, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.”

Corn Ethanol Not Viable Option for Sustainable Aviation Fuel

DES MOINES—The Treasury Department’s latest estimates of greenhouse gas reductions show ethanol with carbon capture is not a realistic option for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) tax credits.

Governor Signs Bill to Increase Critical Renewable Fuel Infrastructure Funds

Iowa Biodiesel Board, Iowa Soybean Association praise increase of $500,000 more per year for backlog of biodiesel projects

ANKENY—The Iowa Biodiesel Board and the Iowa Soybean Association commended Governor Kim Reynolds and the state legislature for their decisive action in boosting funding for renewable fuels infrastructure. Reynolds signed legislation that marks another significant step forward in Iowa's commitment to expanding the use of renewable fuels like biodiesel.

Be Alert for Unauthorized Plan Switching of Individual Health Insurance Policies

By Sonya Sellmeyer, Consumer Advocacy Officer for the Iowa Insurance Division

Individual health insurance is insurance you purchase yourself – not through an employer or provided through a government health insurance program.  Individual health insurance policies come in two main forms –they are available either on or off the federal Health Insurance Marketplace.   

Families of Faith

Storms of Life by Rev. Kent Madison of First Presbyterian Church in Lakota, IA

from July 22, 2021

Tiny but Fierce Library Love Stories

We want to hear your stories.

This series will feature reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words. Send to Do you have a favorite moment? A favorite book? A favorite librarian? A piece of information the library had that set important wheels in motion? A favorite nook? A favorite smell? An exhibit? A program? Do you love knitting with friends at the library?

80 youngsters get first train ride

150 Years Ago

We have heard it suggested that if the grasshoppers hatch out in any great numbers it will be well for farmers at the proper time to roll their fields with a heavy roller. The only objections to this course that has suggested itself to us is that it would be very irritating to the grasshoppers.


125 Years Ago

Ink Spots

Of past airport adventures and such

Dear readers: I have just returned from my trip to Los Angeles, which I mentioned last week. I would write about it, but I’m suffering from jet lag and I’m afraid whatever I wrote would be hopelessly garbled. Therefore, I’m re-running a column from several years ago. If you remember reading it then, try to forget it, so it will be new to you.

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